Judicial reasoning and restriction of rights in exceptional situations: from dogmatic legalism to argumentative judicialism

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Alie Pérez Véliz
Frank Montesino Santana


There is a debate in the doctrine about the possibility of restricting human or fundamental rights. However, there is consensus on the need to limit or restrict certain rights in states of exception. COVID-19 has put that position to the test; but it has stressed the need not to leave these restrictions to the free will of the authorities that execute the provisions, under penalty of excesses being committed or citizens being left unprotected in certain specific cases. It is up to the judges to assess each particular situation that is presented to them, and for this, they must base their reasoning on any of the existing methodologies for this purpose. The proportionality test is presented as an acceptable methodology for judicial reasoning in the face of the spread of the pandemic, in order to determine the constitutionality of the restriction of rights in this context. Assuming this methodology of judicial reasoning means a transition from the legalistic-dogmatic model to the argumentative judicialist.


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Fuentes doctrinales

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Fuentes legales

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