Between people and things: animals and robots

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Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla


In the present work, the author studies two different topics, although related to the dilemma of placing animals and robots between people and things, with the consequent practical repercussions that this entails. Regarding animals, bearing in mind that, according to the new social and legal reality, they are sentient beings, without the need to personify them, but without admitting that they are simple things, the author considers that that reality makes animals a type of good or object of special law, deserving of a unique protection, but without the need to create any hybrid category between people and things, between subjects and objects of law. In another order, the author considers that robots –even– with artificial intelligence are not –today at least– people, but simple things, but he proposes –based on some Resolutions of the European Parliament– that in the future robotics may show a founding personality.


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