The roman-canonical juridical tradition. A general overwiew

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Ángel M. López y López


The essay aims to be a panoramic view of the elements of the secular evolution of Civil Law, basically understood as that of the Romanistic tradition, highlighting its importance for central elements of our contemporaneity, above all because it founds an essential epistemology for the juridical. This tradition will be revitalized by Canon Law, due to its spiritual influence and its vast and refined use of Roman texts, and its rigidity was corrected by the advances of the later so-called Commercial Law. The phenomenon of the so-called Reception, in spite of local differences and temporal discontinuities, was the replacement of local legal systems by a law whose universal aspiration and intrinsic rationality was claimed. In this way, the Roman-canonical legal tradition played a general role in the technique and education of jurists, and continued to do so in modern times, contributing to the conceptual articulation of "national" laws”. The decisive influence of rationalist Natural Law is manifested, more than technically, in the ideological influence of the new order, vertebrated in the Civil Codes: freedom of contract and property, tendentially unlimited. Having passed this stage, today's tasks are to preserve the legacy of the Roman-Canonical tradition, to serve the values of certainty and simplicity of the Codes, and to incorporate fundamental rights into the doctrine and practice of Private Law.


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