Chilling effect. Implications for Cuba after the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act

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Melina J. Iturriaga Bartuste
Julio Francisco Sotés Morales


Between the months January to May 2019, there was a media escalation around the announcement by the United States Department of State not to continue the traditional suspension of Title III. The consequences of the activation of this title transcended the legal; His announcement alone created an even more unfavorable climate for Cuba's business, which was identified as a freezing or chilling effect. To the set of unilateral sanctions imposed for more than six decades, was added the possibility that economic actors related to the island could be sued. The results of the investigation showed that the activation of this title was one of the factors that influenced the effects on economic activities in Cuba. As a result, commercial operations, cooperation actions and foreign investment projects that were at different levels of development were canceled. In addition, it had a negative impact on banking-financial institutions, which refused to work with Cuban entities for fear of being subject to sanctions.


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Special Section: The Helms-Burton Law in the Cuban and international legal scenario


Fuentes doctrinales

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Fuentes legales

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