The Helms-Burton Law
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The genesis of this legal arrogance in the legislative and procedural field, demonstrated by the so-called Helms-Burton Law, must be sought in the political and judicial history of the United States itself, in the political way the Monroe Doctrine, in the judicial way the so-called doctrine of the effects, established by the famous vote of Judge Leonid. Hand, in the ALCOA case (United States vs. Aluminum Company of America, 1945) according to which acts carried out abroad, even by foreign parties, could entail criminal and civil sanctions, if said acts, in the opinion of the Judge North American, affected the trade of the United States. In addition to creating an illogical problem from the point of view of the applicable law (currently known as Mandatory Norms of Third States), from the procedural point of view the doctrine of effects extends the jurisdiction of North American courts far beyond that attributed to them to any Judge their national laws, based on legal reasons linked to the scope of application (ratio loci or ratio materia) and those conferred by international conventions and treaties. With these questions as a presupposition, this article presents and discusses the fundamental aspects that characterize the Helms-Burton Act. Furthermore, through a documented analysis, its illegalities and main consequences are pointed out, both from the scope of domestic law and from the prism of international law.
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