About Eugenio Bulygin's (Antipsycho) logical Objection to Alf Ross’s Predictive Model of Legal Science

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This paper presents a counterargument to Eugenio Bulygin’s (antipsycho) logical objection to Alf Ross’s iusphilosofical predictive thesis about legal science. From a prospective and psychological analytical perspective, Ross's thesis posits that the doctrine's statements about the existing law, the law in force, are predictions about which rules judges are likely to feel obliged to apply to solve legal controversies they encounter in the future. I intend to challenge Bulygin’s objection by considering it grounded on premises of questionable validity. To achieve this, I dissect it into two arguments: a logical argument questioning the prospective aspect of the predictive thesis and an antipsychological one criticizing its psychological nature. I show that the first argument raises a false problem, and the second one results from a pair of misinterpretations.


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