Anti Essentialism and Hermeneutic Turn. Again on Hart’s Methodology
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This paper offers a reconstruction of H.L.A. Hart’s approach to the concept of law, especially on the centrality of a “hermeneutic method” to the analysis of legal phenomena. Thus, the first part deals with the “anti-essentialism” assumed by the author, the topics involved in the Nature of Law and its “definition” of legal systems as a union of primary and secondary rules. The so-called hartian internal point of view is the core of the second part of this paper. In order to get a broader picture, we return to the discussion between monism and dualism in social sciences, a later on focuses Hart’s presentation of the internal and the external point of view. Then, some discussion on the ambiguities and criticism of that distinction are presented. This paper concludes with some problems related with the incorporation of the internal point of view for the legal positivists approach advocated by Oxford’s legal philosopher.
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