A Few Fragments of a Theory of Constitutional Antinomies for the Use of Guarantorist Legal Operators

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Pierluigi Chiassoni


The paper aims to provide seven fragments of a theory of constitutional antinomies for use by guarantorist legal operators. Namely: (1) the distinction between constitutional antinomies in the generic sense, in the proper sense, and in the improper sense; (2) the distinction between logical and ontological constitutional antinomies; (3) the notion of a well-constructed code for the identification of antinomies (identifying code); (4) the notion of a well-constructed code for the resolution of antinomies (resolutory code); (5) the outline of a guarantorist code for the identification of constitutionally relevant antinomies; (6) the outline of a guarantorist code for the resolution of constitutionally relevant antinomies; (7) the outline of a guarantorist code for the resolution of constitutional antinomies in the proper sense.


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