Rules and principles

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Juan Antonio García Amado


The distinction of Manuel Atienza and Juan Ruiz Manero between rules and principles is reviewed. His thesis is that both rules and principles have a conditional structure, but in the case of rules the antecedent and the consequent are closed, while the principles are norms that have the antecedent open (they have exceptions) and the consequent closed. It is criticized that this characterization is incongruent with the thesis of the same authors in the sense that all norms are defeasible, because if all are defeasible, they are all exceptionable and then all are principles. Additionally, it is shown that this typology of norms, added to the balancing methodology, implies the transition to a Law based on judgments of equity or justice of the specific case. That is why this theory of law is incompatible with the postulates of the democratic and social rule of law and has serious taints of unconstitutionality


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