A controversial determination of consent to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (at the mercy, sine die, of the decision of a third party) and a problematic competence ratione materiae: Judgment on jurisdiction of December 18, 2020 in t

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Harold Bertot Triana


The judgment of December 18, 2020 in the Arbitration Award of October 3, 1899 (Guyana v. Venezuela), of the International Court of Justice, declared its jurisdiction to decide the dispute over the validity of the 1899 award, which established the current border between Venezuela and Guyana. Venezuela challenges the validity of the award since 1962. The article critically analyzes the basis of jurisdiction used by the court and the determination of the scope of its competence ratione materiae based on provisions contained in the 1966 Geneva Agreement, through the which the United Kingdom (before the independence of Guyana) and Venezuela, agreed to resolve the dispute over the border between the two States.


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Fuentes doctrinales

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Fuentes jurisprudenciales

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Fuentes convencionales

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Estatuto de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

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