Religious Freedom and Laity in the democratic Rule of Law: an Analysis of the brazilian Context
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The objective of the present study was to analyze the importance of the secularity of the State as an essential foundation of any State that claims to be a Democratic State of Law, under the solid foundations of religious freedom. The study focused on the Brazilian reality as an example in the face of the advances and setbacks experienced in Brazil during the recent period of increased mobilization of evangelicals in the Brazilian National Congress, through the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, and also the reflections of the legal and political confrontations in the face of the increased presence and power of this religious groups. The method used was inductive, with documentary and bibliographical research techniques. With particular attention to the context of Brazilian constitutionalism and the reflection of the evangelical parliamentary activity in relation to constitutional rights and guarantees, it was verified that the superimposition of religious morality on law and politics constitutes an imminent risk of a dominating theology. Therefore, it was intended to present the main concepts of religious freedom, secularism and democracy, making an analysis of the relations between state and religion to, finally, critically analyze the current Brazilian reality.
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