Evolution of marriage and divorce in Argentina

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Eduardo Sirkin


In this article, the doctrinal and legislative elements that denote the evolution of marriage and divorce in the Argentine legal system are systematized. As essential elements of the evolutionary reconstruction in question, the article proposes an analysis of the essential elements of the institutions of marriage and divorce in laws 23,515 and 26,618, which establish the validity of their legal regime in light of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, law 26.994 validity from august 01 of 2015. In addition, the incidences of the procedure for the formalization of the marriage and its dissolution through divorce are described and a critical analysis of the legal implications of article 7 of Law No. 26,994 is carried out. Finally, a regulation proposal is proposed that optimizes the shortcomings detected in the critical analysis of the regulation of marriage and divorce in Argentina.


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