The significance of the procedural reform in the civil field
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The procedural reform of 2021 in the civil field in Cuba transverses the whole conception of the models regulated since 1974. It is the result of years of work dedicated to the study of each institution and its behavior in the country and in Comparative Law. It is characterized by three fundamental elements: a) the unification of procedural channels; b) the concentration of procedures and their structuring by hearings and c) the strengthening of the regulation of the regimes common to all procedural typologies. The maxims of celerity, concentration, immediacy, orality and judicial activism, typical of the administration of justice in these times, inspire the regulations of civil proceedings. This article is aimed at scrutinizing the procedural designs proposed by Law 141 of October 28, 2021 in the civil order.
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Fuentes doctrinales
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Fuentes legales
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