Some considerations on the article 99 constitutional and the warranties process of the rights
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The objective has been the analysis of the article 99 constitutional and the rules that derive for the elaboration of the law of development the precept and, in particular, for the configuration of the process of help of the constitutional laws regulated in the Cuban supreme Text of 2019. Few strange and national doctrinal sources are used, rather its leaves of the author's investigations on the topic of the warranties of the constitutional laws, and a valuation of the language, terms, used for writing it, evidencing certain incongruities that should be solved by the legislator so that a special judicial process that settles in the treatment similar of the human rights regulated in the Constitution by its importance, keeping in mind the peculiarities of the Cuban political-juridical design. Nevertheless, this article concludes recognizing the positive jump, garantista that has meant the forecast of the right to access to this process, in particular for defense those rights that have not had defense in the judicial jurisdiction, as well as the impact of the judicial interpretation in the normative coherence.
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Fuentes doctrinales
FERRAJOLI, Luigi, Garantías, original publicado en italiano en Parolechiave, No. 19, 1999, trad. de Antonio de Cabo y Gerardo Pisarello, Aula Virtual Derecho Procesal Penal, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, disponible en [consultado 18/2/2010].
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PRIETO VALDÉS, Martha, “La defensa de los derechos. Una necesidad en cualquier momento”, en A. M. Álvarez-Tabío Albo y A. Matilla Correa (coords.), El Derecho público en Cuba a comienzos del siglo XXI. Homenaje al Dr. F. Álvarez Tabío, Editorial UH, La Habana, 2014.
PRIETO VALDÉS, Martha, “Las garantías constitucionales de los derechos fundamentales y la Constitución de 1976”, en A. Matilla Correa (coord.), La Constitución cubana de 1976; 40 años de vigencia, UH-UNIJURIS, La Habana, febrero 2016.
PRIETO VALDÉS, Martha, “El amparo en el nuevo panorama constitucional cubano”, en F. Lledó; I. Benítez y J. Mendoza (coords.), Garantías de los derechos en el Nuevo panorama constitucional cubano. Dykinson, 2020.
PRIETO VALDÉS, Martha y Amanda L. PRIETO VALDÉS, “C-2019: Garantías constitucionales. Comentarios para un análisis”, en De Alvarenga Gontijo y otros, Cuba-Brasil, Diálogos sobre democracia, soberanía popular y derechos sociales, Vol. III, Editora D`Plàcido, Brasil, 2021.
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Fuentes legales
Constitución de la República de Cuba de 2019 (GOC-2019-406-EX5).
Ley de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y del Consejo de Estado, No. 131 de 2019 (GOC-2020-49-EX6).
Ley de los Tribunales de Justicia, No. 140 de 2021 (GOC-2021-1070-O137).